Nadiya’s Simple Spices – My Points of View!

By the editor /

So a few days ago I was asked to give some comments on Nadiya’s Simple Spices by the team at BBC’s Points of View. I must have talked a load of rubbish because I didn’t make the programme but more importantly I did buy the recipe book! Anyway enough waffle,…

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Nana’s Chutneys are delicious

By the editor /

So it’s been a while since I bought these chutneys after seeing them pitched on Dragon’s Den one evening, but I have to say Nana’s Chutneys are some of the best on the market. I bought a three pack of Mango, Sweet Date and Garam Garlic and all are excellent.…

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East at Home Review

By the editor /

East at Home were kind enough to send me a sample “meal at home box for 2” to try last week, so although this is not a paid promotion, the box was sent free of charge. I will always review products honestly, so here is what I thought. The pandemic…

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Nadiya’s Simple Spices – My Points of View!

By the editor

So a few days ago I was asked to give some comments on Nadiya’s Simple Spices by the team at BBC’s Points of View. I must have talked a load of rubbish because I didn’t make the programme but more importantly I did buy the recipe book! Anyway enough waffle,…

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Nana’s Chutneys are delicious

By the editor

So it’s been a while since I bought these chutneys after seeing them pitched on Dragon’s Den one evening, but I have to say Nana’s Chutneys are some of the best on the market. I bought a three pack of Mango, Sweet Date and Garam Garlic and all are excellent.…

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East at Home Review

By the editor

East at Home were kind enough to send me a sample “meal at home box for 2” to try last week, so although this is not a paid promotion, the box was sent free of charge. I will always review products honestly, so here is what I thought. The pandemic…

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Magic Meals from Mandira

By the editor

We were fortunate enough to receive a sample of some of Mandira’s Kitchen Indian freezer meals last week and having had the chance to try them over the last few…

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Vegan Chilli Sauces

By the editor

Another Christmas gift idea has been sent to us and one that will appeal to the Vegan curry lovers in your friends and family. Chilli No 5 describe this as…

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Here is a Christmas gift idea that looks good to me

By the editor

Not tried it and nothing to do with curry, but mixing two of my other favourite things, tea and whisky together has got to be a good thing. This must…

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The Birmingham Balti Bowl Company

By the editor

The curry world is not just about restaurants, there are a huge number of other businesses, home chefs and curry enthusiasts involved in the industry and today we look at…

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A Trio of Chutneys from The Truckle Cheese Company

By Roving Reporter

The Truckle Cheese Co. asked us to review three of their chutneys and give our verdict so after receiving their samples, we sat down in the office to give them…

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Fresh India by Meera Sodha

By the editor

There are plenty of recipe books available today but it’s always great to receive a new one, so when my son got me a copy of Fresh India by Meera…

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Community Comfort

Community Comfort

By the editor

We’ve just made a donation and got our copy of Community Comfort and you should too. For a small (or big) donation – it’s your choice – you get 100…

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Dishoom Recipe Book Review

By the editor

There seems to be a new recipe book published every day at the moment as we all turn ourselves into culinary wizards, or not, depending on your dedication to the kitchen.

Perhaps this is the influence of Bake Off and Master Chef, but either way I have invested in a few of the latest Indian recipe books and will review them over the next few weeks to let you know if, in my opinion, they’re any good or not for the average amateur chef.

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Daddy Cool's Sauces Review

Daddy Cool’s Chilli Sauce – It’s Freakin Hot

By the editor

Daddy Cool’s Sauces Review Hotter than hell at one end of the scale but with a massive range, there’s something for all tastes in this excellent selection. Here’s our Daddy…

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