Delhi House Cafe Reviewed
Who opens a restaurant in a pandemic? Well one correct answer is the Delhi House Cafe now open and accepting bookings in the Corn Exchange in Manchester. I’ve been under a 6 week lockdown for various medical reasons so had to delay my first visit but finally, last Sunday, my wife and I made our first visit to the Lamba family’s new venture. Here’s what I thought: The Venue It is a bright, modern, casual dining restaurant in keeping with many of the other operators in the Corn Exchange if you have been there. Contemporary décor, a relaxed atmosphere and suitable for more or less any diner looking for a…
Read MoreHail the King of the North!
SEVEN BRO7HERS IPA Tips Hospitality’s Most Vulnerable In another totally non curry related story we were delighted to see one of our favourite breweries launch this initiative. As a Manchester based company, we want to do everything we can to help the hospitality sector in these hideously difficult times. Here’s…
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