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Sharwood’s are after your family jewels

January 31, 2012

Premier Foods, owner of Sharwood’s,  the Asian sauces and accompaniments brand, launches a TV campaign this week to help restore company growth. Their strategy is to double their marketing spend to more than £50 million in 2012* to be more competitive and to boost sales. Michael Clarke from Premier Foods, said: “It’s clear that we haven’t invested enough…

Thai red curry fried rice

Thai red curry fried rice

January 30, 2012

Our guest blogger today is “The Mistress of Spices” …

Contrary to popular belief, Thai or Thai-influenced dishes aren’t particularly complicated to make. Fried rice, for example, is one such dish. All it takes is some cooked rice in your fridge, leftovers from the day before.

Feeling a bit peckish?

January 25, 2012

Have you ever seen a bigger Naan bread in your life? No, neither have we. This tremendous Naan bread photo was taken at the New Delhi-based restaurant, Bukhara at the ITC Maurya holel.