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Old vs New

Curry houses “traditional” vs the “future of Britain’s curry”

March 28, 2012

Two members of the team went to Manchester city center to have lunch today. One wanted to go to Al-Faisal Tandoori, a traditional curry “cafe” and the other wanted to go to Jaldi-Jaldi, a curry chain opened by Mumtaz who claim to be the “future of Britain’s Curry”. They decided to try both to keep…

The Yeti’s Retreat review

March 27, 2012

Sharon Byrne is the guest blogger of the day. She wrote a review of The Yeti’s Retreat, based in Heaton Mersey (Cheshire). Opened in early December, The Yeti’s Retreat (cleverly named by Moor Magazine readers) is all set to relight the flame of culinary passion for Heaton Mersey folk. Run by family members Steve, KC,…

Chaat-tastic Tamarind Sauce

March 22, 2012

A few weeks ago we received a product to review – “Chaat-tastic Tamarind Sauce“. We gave it a go and here is what we thought. The story of  Chaat-tastic is that of a family – the recipe goes back over a century in the Shabi family history where it has been…