The potato and pea baked kebabs
The potato and pea baked kebabs

Dish description

These potato, spinach and pea “Hara Bara” kebabs are another of our adaptations produced from Meera Sodha’s excellent recipe book “Fresh India”. I have modified the recipe to avoid the use of any oil and baked them rather than frying them and found the whole dish easy to make and very tasty.

They can be stored for eating on another day and I actually took them out as part of a packed lunch and they were just as nice cold as they were hot.

If you’re looking for some great vegetarian recipes and want to stick to the original version of this one, I can thoroughly recommend the Fresh India recipe book.

The potato and pea baked kebabs
The potato and pea baked kebabs

How to Make Hara Bara Kebabs

This recipe produced around 8 kebabs but you can make them larger or smaller as you prefer. I have assumed you can make mashed potatoes so have started from that point.

Crush the cumin seeds in a mortar and pestle and then set aside. Add in the finely chopped chilli and ginger to the mortar and grind into a paste so there are no large pieces. I had to fish a few bits of chilli skin out as they refused to reduce despite my best efforts.

Add back in the cumin and mix well together.

Cook the spinach in boiling water for a minute or two until it has wilted down and then drain and rinse in cold water. When it’s cold enough to touch, squeeze as much water out of it as possible with your hand. Carry on until you have it as dry as you can and then chop it finely

Take a mixing bowl, add your mash, spinach, ground ginger and chilli paste, peas, gram flour, lemon juice, garam masala, salt and coriander and mix thoroughly with your hands. Imagine you are making dough for a bread. You can adjust the lemon and salt to your own personal taste.

Take a non-stick baking tray and spray with fry light. Roll your mixture into roughly golf ball sized portions and then flatten them on the tray so they are more like discs than balls. I always wet my hands in cold water before rolling the mixture as it stops it sticking so badly to your fingers.

The potato, spinach and pea kebabs ready for baking

Place your tray into an oven to bake at 200 deg C for 20 minutes and then flip them over for 5 more minutes to crisp up on both sides. Keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t burn but lightly browned is good so you could even finish them off under the grill.

You could also shallow fry them instead of baking them.

Serve with mint raita or any chutney of your choice. You could also serve them with a side chaat salad and dhal. Meera’s originals are fried so will be nice and crispy on the outside but my version was pretty good even if I do say so myself.

Ingredients for Hara Bara Kebabs

250g of mashed potato

100g of spinach leaves

100g of peas (I used frozen)

1 x teaspoon of organic cumin seeds

1 x green chilli finely chopped

1/2 x tablespoon of lemon juice

1 x teaspoons of grated ginger

2 x garlic clove crushed

1 x teaspoon garam masala

1/2 x teaspoon of salt

1 x tablespoon of gram flour

2 x tablespoons fresh coriander chopped


recipe links

Links to other recipes and useful information about this recipe:

To find out more about Meera Sodha and her cooking and recipe books you can visit her website here.

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