We are a nation of curry lovers. And a nation of wine lovers. Sadly however, this combination rarely mixes well, with the majority of us opting for water or beer to accompany a curry. I daresay this is due to a distinct lack of knowledge when it comes to choosing wine to complement spicy food. Some subtly spiced dishes however, do merit a well chosen wine, so take a look at our recommendations:
• From the Alsace region of France, the dry white Gewurztraminer is an excellent choice – ‘Gewurtz translates as spice’ – clean, palatable and refreshing, it is the perfect partner to Chinese and Indian dishes.
• Zinfandel, packed with fruit, with a little bit of spice of its own is also a great choice. A powerful wine, it is particularly well teamed with a vinegary curry, such as vindaloo.
• Merlot is a soft and fruity choice without too many tannins which would interfere with the chilli and spices, particularly in Indian food.
• A rosé would also be a good choice for the same reasons – the tannins are light enough but they give a fruity mouthful with low acidity.
Another good accompaniment and my personal favourite, is a good sparkling wine or champagne. Cool, crisp and refreshingly decadent!

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