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bay leaves

Bay Leaves

May 13, 2020

Bay leaves come from the laurel tree and are used as a herb in cooking. They are dried for this purpose. The leaves are oval, pointed and smooth, dark green and shiny on top and lighter underneath when fresh. Dried leaves are duller and lighter in colour. If a leaf is brown in colour, then…

Ceylon cinnamon and cassia, sticks and powder

Cassia Bark

May 12, 2020

Cassia Bark is also referred to as Chinese cinnamon and even bastard cinnamon (!), this is one of several species of cinnamon used mainly for its aroma. The buds are also used as a spice in Indian cooking. Cassia is shown on the right on the photo, Ceylon cinnamon on…

Whole Nutmeg


May 12, 2020

Ground or grated nutmeg has a warm and sweet smell but in its original form is a large hard oval seed, which is brown in colour. It is traditionally associated with cosy and warming winter food and drink but actually grows in much warmer climates. Background Nutmeg is the inner seed of the peach like…