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So I was recently sent a couple of bottles of Goa premium craft beer to review and as I am partial to a pint or two, this was no great hardship.
Firstly a note that I drink a lot of different craft beers, I’m part of the flavourly craft beer club so get a monthly delivery of beers from lots of different breweries. This does not mean I am an expert, tasting notes aren’t my thing really, I can’t quite bring myself to use them when reviewing a beer. However, Goa were good enough to send me a couple of bottles so I will give it my best shot.
The branding is excellent, eye-catching and I’m sure will be popular in restaurants, setting it aside from the better known competition. It is also gluten free making it an option for anyone with a gluten allergy.
I chilled both bottles in the fridge for several days as this is basically a lager, but a step on from the general Cobra / Kingfisher / Carling offering most Indian restaurants insist on stocking. It has a stronger, maltier flavour than most lagers, tending towards being sweeter and nothing like a crisp pilsner. It also has considerably less gas / head / fizz whatever you want to call it than regular lagers. A head forms when you first pour it but it quickly disappears.
This was the first problem for me. When I drank it on its own without food, I didn’t really like it, it was too flat, but when I had it with a reasonably spicy curry from our local Akbars, it was a totally different story and they went together really well. The lack of fizz was a problem on it’s own but a real bonus when enjoyed with food.
I have the feeling this might still be a bit of a work in progress, and to that end I give them my whole hearted support as its definitely worth pursuing but taken on its own against a range of beers I would always reach for an IPA.
Of course everyone has their own tastes so it’s definitely worth a try if you come across it.

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